Sport Marlston


We regard sport as an important part of the pupils’ education and for many girls it is a highlight of their day.  Educationally, we regard it as important that all pupils should take part and that all should have the opportunity each term to represent the school in one of the teams.

At Marlston House outdoor games are played every day.

Autumn and Spring Terms:

Hockey, netball, cross country, Swimming in the indoor 25 metre pool.

Summer Term:

Cricket, swimming, tennis and athletics.

Girls also take part in a wide range of other activities including lacrosse, fencing, ballet, indoor hockey, basketball, judo, table tennis, riding, golf, cricket academy, indoor football and trampolining.

Specialist staff are employed for sports coaching and girls who are talented are encouraged to join the local clubs and attend county trials to gain a wider experience and become county players.

The girls also compete in the IAPS competitions with both regional and national representation in hockey, netball, swimming and athletics.  Staff provide master classes for the gifted and talented and a sports scholarship course is held each week to develop skills and stamina in order to reach higher levels. Girls regularly win sports scholarships at 13+ to their senior schools.