Brockhurst & Marlston House Schools

Hybrid Classrooms

Our hybrid classrooms help children to make faster academic progress

Using the latest video technology, our lessons are available live and on demand from Year 3 to pupils who are unable for whatever reason to be physically present in class, but who are able to join in online.  They are also recorded and available on catch-up.  We call this a hybrid classroom.


Here are some of the benefits:

Your child can log in to our lessons from anywhere live on demand to suit your family’s requirements:

You can support your child at home with their learning better using our online Learning Management System (LMS)

Our lessons can be recorded so your children can easily catch up on missed lessons

Our children can consolidate and extend their learning at home using our LMS whenever they want to

Many children are visual learners – recordings of live interactive lessons can support their learning better

Sample Lessons

View a selection of 60 second previews of our interactive recorded lessons.

To view the full lessons, please complete the form below.


Which pupils join lessons online?

Any of our pupils might be online in a lesson from Year 3 onwards. For example, a pupil might normally be in class but for some reason on that day happens to be joining in from home or elsewhere. Other pupils may live away from the school in the UK or internationally and be enrolled as online pupils. Importantly, pupils joining live lessons online are all pupils who have fully enrolled in the school and have therefore met our entry requirements to be a pupil in our school.

What measures are in place to ensure safeguarding?

Brockhurst and Marlston House have the highest level for safeguarding and are rated outstanding by the Government inspectorate. WorldClass uses a password protected Learning Management System (LMS) for access and teachers are able to use additional security measures to control access to individual lessons and screen shared imagery.

How are hybrid classrooms set up?

Hybrid classrooms are set up in a similar way to videoconferencing rooms. To the teacher, an online pupil appears on screen like a pupil sitting in the back row of the class. Opposite the teacher at the back of the classroom is a large 65″ screen where on-line pupils appear at life size or greater. Hybrid classrooms are equipped with both whiteboards and interactive boards or big screens because teachers like the flexibility of using both systems of presentation. A high resolution conferencing camera with up to ten pre-set focus points and a programmable zoom function, enables the teacher, using a remote device, to give the online pupil any screen image the teacher chooses. This might range from a wide shot of the teaching area of the classroom to a close up of writing on a board or even zoomed right in to a test tube in a science experiment, for example. Additionally, the teacher can also screen share with both the class and online pupils anything from their computer on the interactive board. The best sound quality is achieved through the use of wireless microphones which also enable the teacher to have freedom of movement around the room.

Do I have to appear on screen?

It is our expectation that children joining the class online will be visible on screen and fully taking part in the lesson. This is much more interactive and immersive for your child as the other children in the class will interact with them. It also means that, just in any class setting, the teacher can fully engage and oversee your child’s learning, allowing parents to get on with other things.

What happens if my internet speed varies and I lose connection?

It is no problem to log off and click to re-join and sometimes doing this actually sorts out the problem. Also, the lesson is being recorded so if you do unfortunately miss a bit then you can easily catch-up on it. We time our lessons to start so as not to coincide with surges in band use due to people logging on for business meetings (avoiding the hour/half hour). With 1Gbper sec available to us, we haven’t experienced problems our end.

How does an online pupil find the timetable and join a live lesson?

The timetable is published in WorldClass. All a pupil has to do is click of the timetabled lesson and they automatically join the lesson. Any changes to the timetable are automatically notified to pupils through WorldClass and also to their e-mail. At the end of the lesson, a pupil simply logs out and then clicks on the next lesson in the timetable. We can also provide a copy of the class timetable by e-mail.

How does an online pupil learn how to use the WorldClass system?

Our system is incredibly easy to use and intuitive. All new pupils have an induction and support as necessary from our staff. We also provide joining instructions and helpful tips for parents on how to get the most out of our online learning on enrolment.

How do online pupils affect class sizes?

Our average class size is 18 with smaller sets in languages and maths from Year 7 upwards. This average includes all pupils.

How does the teacher give the same attention to an on-line pupil as a pupil in the classroom?

An online pupil follows the same protocols as everyone in the class by raising a hand or using their voice to ask questions. If you have got your image turned off, then there is a virtual hand you can use. Teachers find there is no difference in being made aware of pupils’ needs between those online and physically present.

What happens when the teacher moves around the class?

Wireless microphones ensure continued sound quality.

Is it possible to engage in practical work in science?

Online pupils naturally cannot handle equipment. However, a science practical is always set up on a camera focus point. Our cameras can zoom right in to a close up of a test tube.

What happens in group work?

Where a teacher sets group work, online pupils may be grouped together in an online breakout room. Alternatively, the teacher could also get pupils in class to log on to work together or join online pupils in a zoom breakout room.

What time are lessons and how do we help manage time zones?

Our academic lessons are scheduled between 08:30 ending at 15:00 UK time and are timetabled at 50 minute intervals. All our lessons are recorded to the Cloud and available on the same day which helps resolve difficulties with time zones.

What happens about textbooks and resources?

WorldClass is used to notify the whole class of any material needed for the lesson and some might need to be printed off in advance of a lesson. Having a printer available is therefore important for online pupils, but these can be purchased inexpensively. Most teachers use a variety of worksheets in their teaching and often these are shared on screen. Increasingly, some text books can also be purchase as e-books. If books cannot be sourced locally, the school will provide them by post.

How is work marked and returned?

We use a free App called Google Keep which enables online pupils easily to photograph and upload their work which can then be marked just like a piece of paper. All of this is easy to do using any smart phone. Alternatively, and equally effective, work can be scanned and loaded onto Google Keep. Each subject has a folder. Marking is instantly visible to online pupils as it is being done by the teacher. Teachers use a graphics pad to mark so marking, including supporting comments, is in their handwriting.

How are reports created?

Online pupils receive exactly the same reports and grading as pupils physically present in class which are communicated to pupils and parents either by e-mail or on the LMS.

Can an online pupil or parent talk to a teacher?

Yes. Online pupils often have a chat with their teacher before or after their lessons. There are ten minute intervals between lessons to allow pupils to catch up with teachers on an individual basis. Parents can easily use the same video conferencing to talk to teachers or send e-mails through the LMS. Online pupils can also use the ‘chat’ function in lessons for written messages, but this is rarely used because they are able to ask questions verbally anyway.

How does a home school online pupil feel part of a class?

We find that they quickly become a friend to the class. We have Tutor periods when we can facilitate opportunities for pupils to gets to chat online together or in breakout groups. Home school online pupils are invited to join the school for up to half a term as part of their fees.

What happens if I miss a lesson?

All our lessons can be recorded to the Cloud and available in our catch-up library on the same day. This is a free resource to all pupils enrolled in the School so, if any pupil misses a lesson, they can watch it on catch-up. Staff are always happy to help children with any questions if they have difficulty with a concept.